Shoestring Theater Puppets from Parade
a community-based puppet theater in Portland, Maine
  Home Gallery Parade [9/01] Odyssey Pictures [9/03]
Annual Christmas Fair
Saturday, December 15th — 9am - 2pm
Featuring Shoestring crafts and Nancy Parker paintings

A Christmas Carol

Friday, Dec. 14
7 pm - Reiche School
Saturday, Dec. 15th
7 pm
Shoestring Theater
155 Brackett Street

Admission .25 cents; come
early to be assured you get a seat!

Parades Parade in downtown Portland, Maine Spotlighting the BIG horse in Parade The 'Ole Man of the Sea Giant Puppet taking a well-earned rest
Click Images Above for Full Picture

A Shoestring parade will make any festival, fair, community event or holiday a true celebration. With the assistance of volunteers from your organization or community, who will participate as puppeteers, this ready-made production includes:

  • larger-than-life, giant puppets,
  • giant colorful characters,
  • dancing dragons; and an
  • insatiable carnival spirit.

The parade is completed with plenty of drums, stiltwalkers, colorful banners and costumes for the occasion. All together, this makes for a fun and zanny extravaganza.


The multifaceted aspects of puppetry are best explored through the vast array of workshops that are offered by Nance Parker, Director of the Shoestring Theater.

Nance has extensive experience using puppetry and theater as an educational tool. Workshops participants will learn the art of puppetry through hands-on activities. Learn theater arts, stiltdancing and the impetus behind community theater in an enjoyable environment. Workshops are available for all ages and interest groups and can range from one day intensive courses to extended residences.

Film Strip of Workshops

Puppet Show Plaque Contact Information:
Shoestring Theater
155 Brackett Street
Portland, Maine 04102
or call
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Donna Jones of West End Webs
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