Shoestring Theater Puppet from Parade
  Home Gallery Parade [9/01] Odyssey Pictures [9/03]
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  • These are from a parade down Congress Street (a short while after "9/11").
  • Our big thanks to John Frazier for taking these and generously sharing them.
  • Also, remember that you can right-click on any picture on the web and set it as wallpaper on your computer desktop. I have the second one in, the big face, as wallpaper right now --- I love that one (well, I love all of them!). --- Donna, :)
Puppet Show Plaque Contact Information:
Shoestring Theater
155 Brackett Street
Portland, Maine 04102
or call
© 2000 - 2015 Shoestring Theater
Site design and maintenance by
Donna Jones of West End Webs